Sophomore Summit Agenda

2024 Sophomore Summit Agenda

Sunday, January 28

5:00 Arrival and check-in, Fox Hall

5:15 Program overview

5:30 Dinner and Keynote Speaker, Mr. Terry Brett

7:00 Evening wrap-up

Monday, January 29

8:45 Check-in, Cobb Gallery (coffee and pastries will be available)

9:00 Concurrent Sessions 

Session A:  Forming Meaningful Relationships with Professors (Cobb 123)

Panel Members include:  

Session B:  ABC's of Resumes (Cobb 122)

Develop a recruiter perspective before applying to jobs or internships. Review a “bad” and “good” resume through a guided and interactive discussion with  Career Advisor Brandon Hernandez. 

10:15 Concurrent Sessions

Students who attended Session A will switch to Session B, and vice versa. 

11:30 Catered lunch in Fox Hall

12:30 Concurrent Sessions

Session C:  Making Meaningful Connections (Cobb 123)

Panel Members:  

Session D:  Resume Workshop (Cobb 122)

Use this time and space to implement insights from the earlier session to develop or enhance your resume. Brandon  Hernandez, and other Student Success Committee members will be available to answer questions and workshop ideas for your documents. 

1:45 Students who attended Session C will switch to Session D, and vice versa. 

3:00 Plenary: Prof. Nina Bergbrant will deliver a session on Telling Your Story/Selling Your Brand (Fox Hall)

4:00 Dress for dinner

5:00 Make your way to NOVA 535 for the closing dinner and plenary. 

If you requested transportation, meet in front of the mailboxes.  If you are making your own way, click here for directions and information on parking. 

5:30 Happy Hour, participants may also get complimentary headshots taken

6:00 Dinner

6:45 Alumni Panel:  

7:30 Summit debrief