EC-Ignite: A Life Design Workshop

Course Description

ECIgnite is a unique, workshop-style course offered exclusively to sophomore students at Eckerd College. The purpose of the course is to teach students to use the Life Design process to figure out what they want from life and how to create it. 

Students come to ECIgnite with different visions for their futures. Some have declared their majors while others have not. Some have a clear idea of what they want for their careers while others imagine a multitude of equally appealing professional options. Regardless of where students are in the conceptualization of their life’s journey, nearly all students have the same overarching goal: to be happy

Will taking ECIgnite guarantee a student will grow up to have a happy future? Of course not. But the student will be freed from the misconception that happiness comes from choosing a singular "right" life path. In Life Design the choosing process has four steps, and when those steps are followed, "good choosing" results. Good choosing results in reliable happy outcomes and more future prospects. Intrigued? Join ECIgnite to learn more! 

The steps of the Life Design choosing process provide the framework for the curriculum of the ECIgnite course. The information below shows steps of the Life Design choosing process and a selection of the related activities students will encounter in the course. 

Steps of the Life Design Choosing Process and Related Topics and Activities

Self-Assessment: Students learn about themselves to prepare to ideate their possible life designs.

Students will:

·       Identify their Holland Code and see how it relates to majors available at Eckerd

·       Take a Life Orientation Test to measure their level of optimism/pessimism about their future

·       Learn to reframe dysfunctional beliefs

·       Identify their personal values

·       Define their Work View and their Life View

·       Explore connections between authenticity and happiness

·       Reflect on their emotional responses to various activities

Ideate and Explore: Students explore their life designs to see where they wish to engage with the world.

Students will:

·       Create mind maps

·       Craft Odyssey Plans (i.e., life designs)

·       Identify careers that align with their interests

Narrow Down and Choose: Students narrow down and choose which life designs to pursue.

Students will:

·       Study the role of Emotional Intelligence in the decision-making process

·       Create a LinkedIn profile

·       Conduct informational interviews

·       Plan for prototype experiences

·       Consider coherence between Work View and Life View

Let Go & Move On: Students let go of the alternate life designs and fully embrace the chosen path.

Students will:

·       Learn to reframe “failures” as learning opportunities

·       Understand how to develop grit and perseverance

Required Books

Burnett, Bill and Dave Evans. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life. New York: Knopf, 2016, 

Burnett, Bill and Dave Evans. The Designing Your Life Workbook: A Framework for Building a Life You Can Thrive In. New York: Clarson Potter. 

ECIgnite is completely free for students: the costs of all educational materials, including the required books and tuition, are covered by Eckerd College.

Student Testimonials

Feedback from previous students is overwhelmingly positive. Many students are initially attracted to ECIgnite by the potential of earning 3.5 credits but stay because they find the course enjoyable and worthwhile. 

See what former and current students are saying about ECIgnite:

"I really appreciate the low-key environment of the course...The hour gives me time to breathe in between all my other classes, and it's fun. I love that I have a class that doesn't contribute to my stress, but is still very helpful and provides me with so much meaningful advice."

"I really enjoyed it, and had a great time in the class."

"I really did enjoy this class and found it very helpful."

"I enjoyed the books for this course. They've all had some interesting insight into the topics we've covered, with personal examples and advice that's really helpful."